
Test roll - Contax G1 with Ektar 100

My dad grows his own bananas and they're delicious.  I usually eat them all in one sitting while driving back to LA but oddly enough, they survived through the ride.

Why did this one come out blurry?

It never rains in LA so Monday and Tuesday were extra special to me.

This isn't Bernie -- pretty sure this dude is his brother.

My new friend Mike Lee took these photos of me.  

The morning after it rained and sunny yet again.

Blurry AF cause there was a car coming and I jolted.

1 comment:

rocmorhue said...

I really like your style at photography.
Well... I simply love your style!!
This kind of post makes me feel inspiring about my daily life.
Sorry for my english, I'm from Seville, Spain and love your blog so much.
Muah! ♥