I’m not going to think about him.
I’m not going to think about him.
I’m not going to think about him anymore.
I’m not going to think about the way he smells.
I’m not going to think about the sound of his voice.
I’m not going to think about his perfect ears.
I’m not going to think about his terrible taste in music.
I’m not going to think about how he never cleans his place.
I’m not going to think about how his socks never matched.
I’m not going to think about the way his hair looks perfect in the morning.
I’m not going to think about how he puts toothpaste on my toothbrush for me every morning and night.
I’m not going to think about how he picks out his outfits starting with his shirt.
I’m not going to think about the million long black hairs I've shed around his place.
I’m not going to think about how he always gives me the good pillow.
I’m not going to think about all the times he use to bring me lunch at work.
I’m not going to think about how disappointed he was when I got my first tattoo.
I’m not going to think about how he used to smother me with kisses when he thought I was sleeping.
I’m not going to think about how he always kisses me on my eyelids.
I’m not going to think about how he always orders the same thing when we go out to eat.
I’m not going to think about all those film assignments he helped me finish.
I’m not going to think about how he filled his fridge with my favorite drink, even though he hates it.
I’m not going to think about how he can use chopsticks better than me.
I’m not going to think about all those pictures of us he had on his phone.
I’m not going to think about how he only read the comic book I spent months making him once.
I’m not going to think about the time he forgot my birthday.
I’m not going to think about how I couldn’t help but to love him a little less every time he cut his hair.
I'm not going to think about the nights I use to take his photo to bed.
I’m not going to think about how for the longest time, I thought we were happy.
I’m not going to think about how I knew we could do better.
I’m not going to think about how I called him after not hearing from him for months to find out he won't talk to me.
I’m not going to think about how he use to call me in the middle of the night to see if I wanted to go out to Denny's and now he doesn’t anymore which means he probably found someone else to do that with.
aw :( I'm thinking about how strange it is that this post made me feel warm and fuzzy, but sad at the same time!
:::::sigh::::: :( don't think about it or think about not thinking about it... it's hard... always.
nice... I can relate :-)
i like to think about the person he used to be and be thankful for the memories we created together.
its okay to think about it, time will surpass everything.
"Don't be sad because it's over; Smile because it happened."
I'm on the same boat with you, girl. :)
same here.
p.s i love how you're so genuine.
I can relate to some of those right now =(
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