
Ingrid Starnes.

Fell so completely in love with the styling of the Ingrid Starnes Fall 2010/ Spring 2011 Line that I had to get my hands on a pair of vintage lace-up boots.  After weeks of looking around, no luck.  I decided to contact the designer directly to find that the boots used on the shoot were exactly my size and she's willing to hand them over.

Completely inspired, I decided to plan my week around these beauties.  My other children will suffer from neglect, but hey; I do have favorites. 


Unknown said...

those are fab! ah so cool that she just gave them to you. love the way you styled them will all the different fits.

hmm i wanna get a similar pair, but im always worried ill look like i have cankles :/


R said...

aw, i looooove them! you're lucky

big fea said...

Those are perfect! What a nice gal! I like the styling too.

TheGypsyArkansan said...

i dig your boots.

Anonymous said...

You are gorgeous. (just in case you haven't been told that today)

Anonymous said...

what brand are the shoes?
they're lovely :)