I've been seeing glimpses of this product randomly and I just have to try it out. Its a multipurpose cult favorite from Australia that can be used as a lip balm (like Smith's Rosebud Salve). Comes in a convenient tube (and did I mention, great packaging). Any help here?
Australian friend let me used it. It's the exact same thing as Neutrogena's thick Norwegian hand cream. personally, I felt like the australian hand cream was somewhat petroleum-y and the oil took a long time to absorb than the neutrogena Norwegian hand cream. the feeling is like when you put on a lot of sticky lip gloss and swear it--then you have this sticky residue left.. It's not completely a terrible product, but definitely something I wouldn't go out of my way for..Although the australians swear on this product.
smear not swear*
i tried it and it's not as magical as it's raved about. it does smoothen your facial skin when you apply it at night and sleep on it. but don't use it frequently. i find it to be pore-clogging.
It does wonders for the lips and leave this shiny effect after you apply (kinda like vaseline). The smell is a bit uncomfortable, I'm not too sure how to describe it. My friends use it on everything from cuts, burns, rashes etc. I personally think it is best used on lips.
Love this stuff and am selling it on my website in the US if anyone wants to buy it! www.annabelbits.com
I live in Australia and have seen a lot of young girls use it like lip balm. I personally don't because of the thick sticky texture and experience better results when I use it on cuts and bug bites, so there's a bit of hype going on there. It has a fermented fruity smell to it - fermented papaya is better known for its antibacterial and healing properties than as a moisturizer/lip salve, but do what you want with it, live the hype if that pleases you :)
I could post one to you if you're interested.
Helen! I would love that! my email is cmn317@gmail.com. I can send you payment through paypal as well.
This stuff is the shit, seriously.
I don't think it's meant to be used all over the face or as hand cream, it's way to thick for that. But it's great on the lips. You only need a tiny bit, and your lips look lovely afterwards. I also use it when I get a nasty bug bite.
I don't think I could live without it. Pretty much everyone around uni uses it too.
And the packaging is pretty much perfecttttt :)
Excited for you to try it!
I'm from Australia and yeah everyone uses it but its pretty much just like vaseline, nothing spesh. I wouldn't bother with it to be honest, i never buy it. I've never tries Rosebud Salve because we don't have it but i reckon it would be the same.
oh an also, to people using it as handcreams etc...well you wouldn't like it because thats not what its meant for. You use it on cracked elbows and mainly we use it just for lips..alternative to a lip balm.
It's not supposed to be used like a hand cream, it's way to thick for that. It's met to be used for cuts and bites (as it's antibacterial) But a lot of girls here in Australia use it on their lips as lip balm (which it's really amazing for) That's how I use it.
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