
Everyone who’s in the know says that’s exactly how it goes.

My dad once told me at the boredom of his twenty-something yearlong thankless job that there are only two types of people.

Only two”, I repeated to myself, “Only two”.

“The first type, the dying breed, are like your mother.  Hard working, honest; people with goals.”

And then there’s us; the people who disappoint the ones we love, and are consistently distracted by those we shouldn’t be involved.  These people carefully monitor their present, yet see no future.  Good as they are, try as they might, they'll cease to progress.  They'll spend their entire lives correcting their mistakes.  It can't be helped, but it should definitely be avoided.

I never understood that fully.  In fact, I never completely understood any of his lessons.

I don’t think he intended for this to carry such a weight; just like how he didn’t intend for his Catholicism to change our family. 

Burdened by our shameful past; unswervingly repenting.  And I use to be such a nice person.


Anonymous said...

i absolutely love every single thing you write!

Anonymous said...

you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

i'm so moved because i know i'm the second type.