
The Van Gordons at V-room --- Olympus MJU-II with AgfaPhoto Vista plus 200 Color

Red eye reduction got the best of these two.  This is my favorite bar in Long Beach because of the jukebox.  There's this Dave Brubeck song called Take Five that Nick and I always pick cause it's the least played song in that bar---reason being that who ever put the collage together accidentally covered up the code to that song so you would have to count it out to select the correct song.  Really good song though---Caitlin jogs to it.

V-room put up Halloween decorations and there was a clown over the front entrance---I really think it's something they should leave up year-round cause it was rad.  So bummed I didn't take a photo of it.  Anywho, I used to live right behind this bar and that as where I'd go a couple nights a week during the week for a night cap.  I'm into it cause I never ran into anyone I knew and so drinking solo didn't seem so pathetic.   

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