
LES w/ Griffin -- Olympus Infinity Mini with Kodak Gold 200

My buddy Canh gave me a few rolls of his favorite film and told me to shoot with it.  I'm totally unfamiliar with this film and am kind of bummed on how portraits came out -- so many are out of focus.  Maybe this camera isn't the right choice?  Maybe I need a lot more practice?  

In any case, I loaded this first roll of gold on September 20th when I met up with Griffin for dinner.  
Here we are on the subway back to his apartment on the UES, really cool spot -- very quiet, especially for NY.
Little Italy had a festival and it was madness.  Canh told me that the focus on these photos are on the brightest spots -- that's why the lights in the background are sharp.
I had a really hard time loading this film into this camera -- something about it really didn't want to catch.  Either way, I think this camera/film combination might be meant for daytime use only.