Man, I'm gonna miss this view.
I bought this plant as soon as I got back from Japan cause small apartments had trees over there and it made it feel different from how my apartment is with smaller plants. Does that make any sense?
Ann made dinner and breakfast for me.
I need to cool it with the car shots -- the world does not need more of this type of content.
Ian in his new kitchen. I obviously didn't shoot with intention cause this picture didn't come out.
Charlie from Virgil Normal, possibly my favorite store in LA.
Turning left onto Hyperion
Kevin Van at Civil Coffee. He told me to meet him there are noon and I somehow read to meet at Collage Coffee which is not that far away. The time came and then realized I was in the wrong place at the right time so I made my way over to Civil Coffee with my fresh up of Collage Coffee. Collage Coffee for the win!
Ian took this photo of himself with my camera and I was like "jokes on you cause you need to focus before shooting".
I love this photo. I really hope he finds happiness and maybe one day in the near future, I will follow.
Something happened to this camera from this point forward where the Self Timer mode would not shut off so every time I go to shoot a photo, I have to wait 10 seconds for it to count down and shoot. Dude! A lot can happen in 10 seconds! You can miss a moment in 10 seconds! See, this would've been the perfect camera if it wasn't for this glitch. I brought it back to my camera repair man so hopefully he'll find a solution for this soon.
Kelly Mittendorf outside 32 Shea in Phoenix.
Ella inside 'Zinnias at Melrose'
The rest of these are shot without intention; just to kill this roll. It was really hard to shoot without intention when the self timer was stuck and I had to wait 10 seconds after pulling the trigger for the camera to take the photo. Either way, once this is fixed...this camera will never leave my pocket.
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